Climate-Neutral Removal Logistics at Friedrich Friedrich | Friedrich Friedrich - Darmstädter Speditions- und Möbeltransportgesellschaft mbH
  • Klimaneutrale Umzüge helfen das Klima zu schützen

    A win for the environment!

Climate-Neutral Removal Logistics at Friedrich Friedrich

Promotion of certified reforestation projectsAll services related to removal and storage generate CO2. However, our concept of climate-neutral removal logistics can compensate for this.

The principle is simple: CO2 does not know any country borders and can cause global damage, even though it is emitted regionally. Practically speaking, with the realisation of the climate-neutral removal logistics, high-quality emission reduction certificates equalling the amount of CO2 emissions are bought by TÜV audited climate protection projects. These have the order to compensate the emitted CO2 by means of a number of different measures (planting of trees, promotion of wind/hydro/solar energy, etc).

How the CO2 emissions are determined in the course of removals

The company-own photovoltaic plant provides the Griesheim (Darmstadt) location with electricityTo start with, one distinguishes between fixed and variable CO2 emissions. Included in the fixed emissions are, among others, electricity consumption, the heating energy of offices and warehouses, the employees’ trips to and from work, the consumption of office material within the company, etc. This so-called "carbon footprint” of our removal company is updated annually by the experts of Climate Partner. Thanks to extensive modernisation measures, such as, e.g. the installation of a photovoltaic plant that supplies numerous thermal pumps, the insulation of the outer facade of the company building in Griesheim (Darmstadt) as well as the changeover to LED illumination, we ensure that the share of fixed CO2 emissions remains as small as possible. These measures alone have led the annual saving of about 97 tons of CO2.

The variable share of the CO2 emissions is made up of your concrete company move. Taken into account in this regard is, for instance, the distance between the offloading and loading area, the type of transportation means as well as the type and scope of the removal equipment.

Benefits for corporate customers

Klimaneutrale Umzüge mit Climate PartnerWhen commissioning a climate-neutral company or object move, or the thus involved removal performances, you provide a positive signal. You can position yourself as an innovative and committed company, which improves your image toward your employees and customers. As evidence of your commitment regarding climate protection, you will receive a certificate from us that confirms your climate-neutral removal.

Ansprechpartner Firmenumzug► Contact me for more information about climate-neutral removals!

Klimaneutral Umziehen mit Friedrich Friedrich Darmstadt